Turkish Coffee, Delicious Coffee mmm....

Turkish Coffee is also known as Greek Coffee. Turkish cuisine is very similar to Greek's. We share the Aegean Sea and thanks to Ottoman Empire we have a strong culinary culture. In the Eastern part of Turkey we have Middle Eastern culinary style and in the West the Mediterranean culinary can be seen.

You need Turkish coffee cup and pot (copper pot is preferred). Coffee cup is smaller than espresso cup, i guess you can use espresso cup... You can find Turkish Coffee all around the world, you just need to find a Turkish market or a Turkish friend. In Turkey you can find it any supermarkets but i insist you to go and buy from Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi at Eminonu. Besides, you can drink Turkish Coffee at all cafes in Turkey even at Starbucks'.

Ok, here is the repice:

A cup of water ( turkish coffee cup)
2 tea spoon coffee
1 tea spoon sugar ( you can add more or none)

Mix all in the pot. Stew them without mixing. If you mix them too much its foam will be vanish… You can take the foam to the cup before it vanishes. While stewing pour half of the coffee to the cup, then stew it one more time then pour all…

Serve with a glass of water or liqueur and Turkish delight (Lokum) or chocolate.

You can add cinnamon, vanilla or gummastic to your coffee. Gummastic Turkish coffee can be found in stores.

Last, coffee fortune telling is very common... ;) Details are coming later...

Türk Kahvesi, Leziz Kahve mmmmmmmm...

Burada kahve nasil yapilir diye yazmayacagim... Ama kahvemizi nasil aromatik hale getirdigimizi hatirlatmak istedim.

Sakizli Kahve
Bir arkadasim Ayvalik'tan getirdigi sakizli Turk kahvesini zorla icirmisti. Damla sakizi sevmeyen ben sever olmustum. Son zamanlarda oldukca populer, yerli kahvecilerin menulerinde sik sik karsilasiyoruz...Evde de yapmak mumkun, sakizi toz haline getirdikten sonra cok kolay :) Ben en son gecen yaz sevgilime siparis vermistim, Ayvalik'tan getirmisti... Mmm...

Tarcinli Kahve
Tarcini cok severim. Bazi tatlilarla uyumu muthistir. Ben kiymayla ve bazi et yemeklerinde de oldukca guzel oluyor. Bir de benim tarcinli mantar sosum var ki makarnayla pek leziz. Hah, son olarakta tarcinli Turk kahvesi. Cok basit, toz tarcindan istediginiz miktarda ekleyin. Afiyet olsun.

Vanilyali Kahve
Hmm. Vanilyayi da cok severim. Parfüm de bile tercihimdir... Bir zamanlar bir kahve zincirinde vardı ama sanırım kapandılar, kendiniz de yapabilirsiniz...

Diyorum ki, bir kahvenin kirk yil hatiri vardir. Cevirmek lazim bunu ...

Osmanlı'da kahvenin tarihi için klikleyiniz...


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